The Leg up! Blogs = awesome

17 Nov

Many students have their own blogs. Though often related to personal interests, some (most notably students of journalism) use blogs to display their abilities and generate a portfolio for prospective employers. But many other students spend little time utilizing blogs, except to read the odd site that appeals to their own interests. Though these blogs can be amazing sources of inspiration and creativity, they are but a small part of the blog universe.

So how else can students utilize blogs, and what benefits are there for those that do? Here are some things to consider:

Your career

Like your journalist friend already knows, a well-written blog is a perfect showcase of your abilities. It also throws your name into the hat of any field that you are interested in. Blogging about political events around your city might not guarantee your future tenure as mayor, but it involves you in that world. The blog becomes another part of your networking toolbox; this means that your chances of being noticed are only boosted.

“Legging up”

Did you see The Social Network? (If you didn’t, stop reading this, and see it! And then read on). One of the most amazing parts of the movie is how Mark Zuckerberg gains probably the most important leg up since Charles Darwin (ever heard of Alfred Russel Wallace? Exactly. It’s the reason they don’t teach “Wallacism” in school today). By beating his rivals to the punch, he put distance between his own work and theirs. He was always one step ahead. Now he’s a billionaire!

Starting a blog is a leg up. Even if your blog about your culinary experiments doesn’t land you a prime slot on the Food Network, it still gives you experience with blogging and utilizing the Internet in a new way. And a failed blog is not a failed experiment; think of it as a draft of a future masterpiece. Start now, then when you feel comfortable, you’ll be ready to delve further into utilizing the web to your own advantage. This puts you ahead of everyone else around you or in your field who hasn’t started yet. Being ahead of the crowd by even a few weeks or months can be the difference between recognition and anonymity. The web is absolutely where innovation and progress is happening; embrace it!

More good reads on students and blogging

5 reasons why every student should blog –

Learning through blogging: Graduate Student Experiences –

Blogs help students think for themselves –

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