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Screencasting 099 (Remedial)

5 Dec

Less reading, more watching! This short blog entry is about screencasting. It’ll basically be a quick run-down of screencasting, a short example video made with Camtasia, and finally a brief word on how this medium might benefit you as a student and young professional.

Screencasting falls under the umbrella of “enhanced podcasting.” There are numerous great programs for doing this; for this entry, Camtasia was used (you can download the free trial version here).

Screencasts combine video, images, audio, and on-screen activity, to create a multimedia presentation. Primarily used for instructional videos, screencasts and other forms of enhanced podcasting are becoming more common, as people get creative and explore new ways to apply this kind of media.

It’s a lot easier to just show you, so here is the first official Free On Campus screencast!

The potential applications for screencast are pretty wide-open. The biggest advantage that they hold now is their novelty – they offer a bigger, more complete media experience than a slideshow, and also allow you to more fully flex your creative muscles.