“A Piece for Peace”

2 Nov

Freebie alert!

Where: Monday, November 8, 12:00-2:00 at the entrance tables in the SUB

What: The Jewish Student Association (JSA) and Israel on Campus (IOC) are giving away free pieces of cake in the SUB building. Why? Because the club seeks to bring together Jewish students and lovers of peace in a socially accepting atmosphere where things like peace and life can be discussed. Also, Irina wanted me to tell you to “come out to support a message for peace with cake, a button, and an info for a free (and inspirational) movie screening that evening.”

Also, these groups have a FREE BAGEL giveaway EVERY TUESDAY in the SUB! Come if you are interested in learning more about these clubs, or if you are interested in connecting with the Jewish community on campus.

Thanks Irina and Carrie for the scoop!

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