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What is happiness? How about a cinnamon loaf?

2 Nov

Do baked goods truly represent the highest form of reality? Or do the delicious flavours simply lead us astray from true knowledge? If you ask yourself this question, you might find solace knowing that the Philosophy Student Union (PSU) is all for baked goods. They are holding a bake sale in the Clearihue lobby today.

If you have been feeling like tapping into your inner stoic, then you can also head to the SUB on Wednesday and Thursday (November 3) and participate in the clothing drive also being held by the PSU. All proceeds go to the PSU and various student-related groups.

“A Piece for Peace”

2 Nov

Freebie alert!

Where: Monday, November 8, 12:00-2:00 at the entrance tables in the SUB

What: The Jewish Student Association (JSA) and Israel on Campus (IOC) are giving away free pieces of cake in the SUB building. Why? Because the club seeks to bring together Jewish students and lovers of peace in a socially accepting atmosphere where things like peace and life can be discussed. Also, Irina wanted me to tell you to “come out to support a message for peace with cake, a button, and an info for a free (and inspirational) movie screening that evening.”

Also, these groups have a FREE BAGEL giveaway EVERY TUESDAY in the SUB! Come if you are interested in learning more about these clubs, or if you are interested in connecting with the Jewish community on campus.

Thanks Irina and Carrie for the scoop!

Unleash your inner diplomat!

28 Oct

Today: the UVic Model U.N. Club is hosting a bakesale in the Clearihue lobby.

Make like Zoidberg and eat your favourite flag!

Nearly free = nearly there

20 Oct

Strangely, the walls around campus haven’t been plastered top to bottom with giveaway events. Not to worry, avenues are being explored as we speak. In the meantime, I have been alarmed at the general lack of awareness that GROUPON has finally come to Victoria.

What is Groupon, you ask?

(As I lower my eyes and shake my head in exhasperation.)

Groupon is a relatively old as far as trendy internet phenomenons go (it was started in Chicago in 2008), but has recently become much more popular in North America. It mostly exists in large cities, and the premise is pretty cool: sign up using your email account, and every weekday, a new Groupon arrives in your mailbox. A Groupon is essentially a ridiculously huge discount at some business around the city, and is offered for 24 hours (or until the maximum number of people have bought that Groupon; the number varies). If you like what you see, you can click and buy the Groupon (you’ll need a credit card for this). The Groupon is then usually good for anywhere from a few days to a year.

Many of my big-city American friends have been using Groupon for a while now, and swear by the deals. It JUST came to Victoria about two weeks ago, and so far, the deals have been for everything from Pink Sugar cupcakes to the Bug Zoo to the halloween symphony (pictured above, that was today’s deal). For a student on a budget, Groupon is a pretty excellent resource for finding cheap things to do/eat/buy. Also, if you refer your friends, and they buy a Groupon, you get Groupon bucks. It’s not free, but it’s amazing and a lot of fun. There is also a Groupon app, which sends you daily prompts, which may be a good alternative to an alarm clock!

Here’s the link to sign up:

(Don’t forget to tell ’em that sent you!)